вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

appalacian state univ

Hi again journal,

Ok so disregard my last entry. I know I was pissed beyond belief but hey. Today was a good day. Adam came by and he apologized about sweetest day. I had gone over to his house that day too. That was another reason I was so pissed because I bummed a ride over there and he wasnt there. So he came over and all that anger I had just sorta disappeared. We chilled and watched tv and ate. Wer had a good time. I was enjoying my alone time with him until Phillip and Shay came by and that was the end of that. They stayed a while and chilled and then they all left. It always seems like Adam comes by to see me and they(Shay and Phillip) are either with him or after a while make their way over. Geez I love them to death but damn can I keep my alone time with Adam just how it sounds ALONE.� I guess people dont really catch that concept. Whatever TTYL

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понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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People that have everything just keep wanting more.
The only slightly, very tiny logical reason that I can see someone voting for Mccain/Palin (religion is not logical) is so they can have more. Everyone wants things they canapos;t or donapos;t already have. People that have it all, just want more. There are families out there that canapos;t afford food, but people are more concerned that they canapos;t afford a fucking space ship. No I did not just realize this, but it has suddenly come to my attention that this is all the world is about.

People that have nothing want everything.
People that have everything still keep trying to have everything.

Just be happy with what you need.
Iapos;m breaking the cycle, no more shopping, not like that was an option. Iapos;m just seeing the lighter side of being in poverty.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Iapos;m impressed at how far meteorology in general has come in the last 5 or so years and with NZ meteorologists specifically.

the forecast was for a cold southerly to come in with bluster and rain, but the morning and early afternoon were beautiful. Bex and i spent a goodly portion of it basking on the deck. Drinking tea and being relaxed.

but, sure enough, just about the time to go to Seanapos;s BBQ, the weather turned on us... We went anyway. And since the boatshed faced north, it was cozy inside.

our local butcher makes some damn fine sausages that we brought to throw on the grill*, good conversation and laughter.

we could have stayed later, but we got to a point were we just felt done

i could probably go for a bit more socializing, but iapos;m not in with the mad scientist crowd, so i wonapos;t be going to that party tonight.
and thereapos;s nothing else going on that iapos;m aware of.

Bex and i will probably stay in for the rest of the evening and watch a movie... Unless something else fabulous comes up.

*nom nom nom

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Itapos;s Saturday morning and I am sitting at the office. I love where I am at life at the moment, but it is still hard for me to go to work knowing that there isnapos;t any work for me to do today and is all in vain...

I will try to put my time here for good use, and maybe start learning a new skill off this cool new book I�bought last week.

Not all of it is glum. I do have plans of the social kind for the next three days: Night Safari tonight and Sukkot partied at the Jewish center on Sunday and Monday. And of course, catching up with sleep whenever I�can.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Last night when I got home from work at 9:30, I wasnapos;t feeling well, and seeing that the Sox were down 5-0, I decided to play one of my Wii games for a little while. We checked the Sox score before heading up to bed and it was 7-0. Not being masochists, we didnapos;t want to see the Rays celebrate the clinching ALCS victory at Fenway. That and we were both exhausted.

I honestly had a dream last night that the Sox came back and won the game. No, Iapos;m not kidding. I said as much to Sabrina this morning, and she said something like, "thatapos;s nice. Keep dreaming." I said, "yeah, I know. Wishful thinking."

Then I logged onto the Internet, and up comes the dayapos;s headline, saying that the Sox rally to stay alive in the ALCS. I canapos;t believe it They won 8-7 I wish Iapos;d even been awake enough to see that, but I was probably in my Nyquil fog at that point. WOW. I realize that Iapos;m not psychic, but how cool is it to dream that, and it actually happened How weird. :)

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I would just like to say that I am still doing music theory homework and it is five in the fucking morning. Iapos;ve been at it since I got home from work, at 10:30. Before that I had theory class from 1-4. Before that I was asleep, because last night I was also up doing theory homework until 5 in the fucking morning. And the night before.

My brain is punishing me in little ways. Tonight on the bus home there was a guy wearing shoes exactly like mine. I started thinking about how itapos;s kind of romantic how those two pairs of shoes started out in a sweatshop somewhere, went their separate ways, and were now reunited, slowly cruising up Parc avenue together in the middle of the night. Then I looked about two seats down from that guy, and there was another guy wearing the same damn shoes, and I started thinking, "..... WHAT????"
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